Holy Rosary has numerous ministries to help parishioners live our Christ-centered mission and achieve our holy vision. Visit here often as we update our site to more thoroughly describe how you can become involved in the life of the church!
Parish Council
Parish Pastoral Council - a community of parish servant leaders whose purpose is to assist the pastor in discerning through prayer and study, how the parish can best carry out the pastoral and spiritual mission of the church on the local level.
Jane Henderson, Co-Chair
The Finance Council is mandated by Canon Law. The Council is an Advisory council to the Pastor to assist him in the financial operation of the Parish.
Purpose: The Parish Finance Council shall see that proper financial records are maintained for assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses, in accord with the Diocese.
Major Activities:
Assist Pastor in developing Parish Budget for each fiscal year according to the priorities and goals set by the Parish Pastoral Council and by the Pastor;
Ensure receipts are properly counted and posted correctly and expeditiously;
Monitor finances of the Parish by reviewing monthly comparisons of actual revenues and expenditures with the budget, investments, and overall financial operation of the Parish
Fundraising Committee
Purpose: To plan, organize, and implement fundraising activities.
Major Activities:
Trips | Raffles | Yard sales | Candy sales | Brick Garden
Contact Information: to be determined
SEEDS-Young Adult Ministry
Youth Ministry
Bible Study
Adult Formation
Baptism Team
First Eucharist & First Penance Team
Marriage Team
Confirmation Team
Music Ministry and Choirs
Children' Liturgy of the Word
Lectors, Greeters, Ushers, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers
Funeral Ministry
Community Life
Ladies' Sodality
Knights of Columbus, Council 6457
Bishop's Cup Invitational Golf Tournament
Legion of Mary
Scholarship Committee
Pastoral Care Ministry
Prayer Shawl/Knitting Ministry
AIDS Ministry
Liberation Veterans Services
Assisting Families of Inmates
Habitat for Humanity
Annual Angel Tree